The inversion of reality
The inversion of reality as a progressive tool.
A theological analysis

The concept of “Natural Law”, that ray of light that spans the ages, connecting them intellectually with each other, albeit in a way that is both supernatural and transcendent, walks along the paths of what serves as the foundation for reality.
When saying that “However massive and immense this world may be, its existence depends, at any moment, only on a single and very thin thread: the consciousness in which it appears”, Schopenhauer looks at the metaphysical root of all reality as something limited to the man's conscious senses.
“Cogito, ergo sum”, said Descartes, not the traditional “therefore I am”, but the correct one: “therefore I am”. In the depths, paths that cross nowhere, because they understand, in the same way as Protagoras, that “Man is the measure of all things”.
It is not surprising that every day, the manipulation of the sources of training and information of a mob that actually believes in these concepts, finds itself in an existential vacuum where its own life loses its reason for being in the face of a reality that they insist on. in deconstructing as a way of adapting to the reference status quo produced by those who pull the strings.
“Natural Law”, a term widely used by C S Lewis to designate the powerful “collective unconscious” of humanity, what Chesterton called the “dictatorship of the dead”, what the Easterners call “tao”, is completely at odds with what which – obviously – defies the natural order of things.
Note that the nomenclatures are not random. In an antagonistic position with the “Natural Order of Things” there is always a “New World Order”, and they continue to fight a battle since Eden for control of the human species and its resources. As Pascal said, “Nature has placed its truths, each in itself”. In other words, in a dangerously simplified way we can infer that “Natural Law” is the first representation of truth for humanity. And why is it like that?
Simple: because we arrived here.
“Natural Law” was established by the Creator. And his first value judgment determined the limits that would subsidize the other value judgments (and rights) that would be made by humanity. He said, “And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:4). From this first assertion we have the first truth and also the first premise of the “Law”. This is what Krishina calls in Gitã “Spiritual Truth”. Its primary source: The Lord God of Israel.
Already in Eden, the elements of the “Natural Order of Things” begin to be established, and its first manifestation from a civilizational point of view was called “Family”. The family as the embryo of humanity, along the lines established by Yahweh Adonai, is the first “Natural Law”, it is the starting point for the “Natural Order of Things”.
The attack on the family is the attack on the truth. And the attack on truth is the attack on “Natural Law”, which in turn is the attack on civilization itself. That is why C S Lewis states that “Natural Law” is “the only possible source of all value judgments”, because it, in itself, is the representation of a single possible reality. When we reject a single value, he concludes, the others will be rejected in the same way.
So what did we have in Eden, a priori? Two elements, one spiritual and one material. The first focused on the relationship between Adam – and then Eve – with God, the first relationship that man had since he was created. And the second spoke of Adam's relationship with his wife. In the “Natural Order of Things” we have these two relationships as the basis of a society that intends to subsist on its own.
Faith and family are, therefore, the essential bases of what you want to move forward, of what you want to preserve. It was what God planned for the world, and what he preserved in all his Law (now the written one, not the natural one) that he gave directly to the Hebrews and later to all humanity until he revealed himself in the person of his Only Begotten Son and completed it. there.
What progressivism wants is to create an inverted reflection of all this in a broken mirror that is in the hands of Satan, and sell this distorted image of creation as being the best of all worlds, using, for this, the weeds planted in the mind of humanity by anthropocentric fables developed by men since the fall, always along the same lines as the dialogue between Eve and the serpent, digresses, questions, plays with sophisms and fallacies, and in the end is convinced, in an anthropological and intellectual fraud that has been going on for millennia, moving men away from the truth, from the “Natural Law”, from the “Natural Order of Things”, and always throwing them, from time to time, into insane vortexes of wild revolutions woven in the obscurity of the shadows, where lies are disguised and adorned to appear as truths, benefits and advantages for those who believe in them.
Progressivism needs, at all times, to create virtual worlds, caricatures of the truth, so that it can sow its seeds of destruction and chaos. Without lies there is no progressivism and vice versa. The only way to combat the deconstruction of a healthy society is to prevent those in power or in control of the media from manipulating truth/reality as they please, and this must always be done under two banners, the original ones: faith and family.
The Truth says that “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are abominations to the Lord, both the one and the other” (Proverbs 17:15). For progressivism to exist, Solomon's statement must be annihilated, that is, the truth must be annihilated or, at least, inverted. Why does this happen? Because in a progressive world, all laws instituted by the Creator since Eden must be subverted in favor of values that inevitably contradict any sphere of value that one wants to accept as legitimate, be it the Word of God, the “Natural Law”, the “ Spiritual Truth”, the “Tao” or “The Natural Order of Things”.
What progressivism seeks is a kind of social self-destruction, a break with all divine parameters, which would lead humanity, if it – progressivism – won, to complete extinction. It is almost impossible not to admit a supernatural component in all this, that constant of the Creator's first value judgment. Or is it that when we read that He saw the light as good and separated it from the darkness, do we not realize that He is talking about even deeper things? It seems obvious. The Creator of the universe is the real expression of what He wants from us. When in Malachi 3:6 He says: “I, the Lord, do not change”, He means “Don't try to change me” or “Don't try to change my Words”, because it will be worse for you. And then He shows us the “Natural Order of Things”: creation itself. Caterpillars do not become butterflies until they have passed through the cocoon. That's it, or we'd never see butterflies.
Progressives want to destroy the family, but they cannot explain how a world would be possible in fifty years if there were no more families, feminists took over society and no longer gave birth, and men stopped behaving like men. What the hell would be left? Therefore, we see that behind progressivism there is an evil influence inducing society – just like Eve – to challenge the “Natural Order of Things”, and thereby compromising its own existence.
Faith and family.
The biggest stones in the high heel shoes of those who cannot stand reality as a way of life.
Article published in Revista Conhecimento & Cidadania Vol. I No. 09 – April 2022 Edition - ISSN 2764-3867