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The weak man syndrome

Your biggest enemy will always be yourself

The weak man syndrome

There is no point in analyzing the consequences of an imminent third great war, if it ever occurs, or of a second cold war, which seems to be more palpable, since the artifices of such a confrontation are creatures willing to bluff or kill for power.

On the one hand, we have Russia's direct action on Ukrainian territory, leaving aside a proxy war, that country exposes itself as an aggressor towards its neighbor, which, in theory, would justify a reaction from other countries. From another perspective, it is clear that the Russians, even though they are supported by the Chinese dictatorship, know that they would have no real conditions to win a physical war against NATO, and it is natural that the confrontation will have greater consequences in the diplomatic field.

In a military confrontation, the Russian government knows that its possible adversaries are clear favorites, however, the situation would be more serious for the Eurasian country in the event of a trade war, even though it has sought rapprochement with Brazil and has China on its side, The Kremlin will have great difficulty maintaining control of a country plagued by shortages, aware that it has fewer reserves than its would-be opponents.

Now many will imagine that everything is just a bluff, that Vladimir Putin's only objective is to divert the attention of his people so that his image, already worn out, becomes that of a proud ruler capable of facing the world, but nothing is so Simple as that, everything indicates that the leader who has imposed his will for more than two decades would not risk an armed confrontation just for his reputation, which still guarantees him to lead his homeland.

Apparently there is something much bigger behind the Russian movements in the territory of its neighbor and sister, Ukraine.

Two expressions already present in the text must be extracted so that we can understand such action by the Russians, they are “Eurasian” and sister Ukraine”, as this leads to a deeper understanding of what Eurasianism would be and the understanding that the Russian and Ukrainian peoples are just one, such a relationship will apply to the Chinese and Taiwanese, but we will deal with such a situation at the right time.

To better express what the theory of Eurasianism, for some neo-Eurasianism, it is necessary to point to the conception of the philosopher Alexandre Duguin or Dugin, who understands that the Eurasian people have the power-duty to liberate what he defines as the “center of the world” and guide the rest towards a world vision in which there will be a rescue of tradition, freeing it from globalism.

It remains evident that President Vladimir Putin's actions are based on the vision of Dugin's so-called Fourth Political Theory, considering liberalism as the enemy, with the first theory focusing on the individual and having defeated the others. The second would be Marxism, which is guided by class war and the third would be fascism, which treats the nation as its essence.

There is no direct opposition to socialism or fascism by such a theory, which will be called Eurasianism, in fact, it believes that both failed and were defeated by liberalism, that is, that the individual prevailed over the class and the nation, so that , only the recovery of tradition will overcome such a system.

Seeking to understand Vladimir Putin's actions seems impossible, but if observed as the materialization of Alexander Dugin's thoughts, everything makes sense, since the aforementioned ruler tries to put into practice the ideals presented by the thinker. Starting the war against globalism through a revolution.

Everything suggests that this is a war between East and West, perhaps a rerun of many others, since, since ancient times, such cultures have clashed. But everything indicates that this is not a remastered version, as the confrontation involves two new forces, even though they feed their discourse on the old rivalry.

The key to Eurasian movements on the board are based on the vision of Alexander Dugin, who proves to be an astute thinker, therefore, there is nothing better than invoking a great mind to counter his dystopian perspective of reality.

“The prof. Alexandre Duguin, at the head of the Russian intellectual elite who today shapes the Putin government's international policy, says that his nation's grand plan is to restore the hierarchical sense of spiritual values ​​that modernity has buried. For religiously minded people, shocked by the brutal vulgarity of modern life, the proposal may sound very attractive. But the realization of the idea goes through two stages. First, it is necessary to destroy the West, the father of all evil, through a world war, fatally more devastating than the previous two. Then the Eurasian World Empire will be established under the leadership of Holy Mother Russia.”

As abject as globalists are, and they are, believing that the theory of a Eurasian World Empire would be salvation is choosing one of the ways in which the individual will be slaughtered, a choice between Scylla and Charybdis, decide among the evils which would be the lesser. It is worth remembering that Olavo de Carvalho had made this prediction more than a decade ago, demonstrating such wisdom that it explains why his detractors, unable to depreciate him, try to jokingly attribute to him the gift of an unbalanced and mythical vision of world. Now, they will insist on denying that he was a misunderstood genius, but that he had the ability to narrate a reality like no one else, which for many still seems blurred, more than ten years in advance.

The great Brazilian thinker continues,

“Now the professor. Duguin promises to save the world by destroying the West. Honestly, I'd rather not know what comes next. The revolutionary mentality, with its self-postponing promises, so ready to transform into their opposites with the most innocent face in the world, is the greatest scourge that has ever befallen humanity. Its victims, from 1789 to today, number no less than three hundred million people – more than all epidemics, natural catastrophes and wars between nations have killed since the beginning of time. The essence of his speech, as I believe I have already demonstrated, is the inversion of the meaning of time: inventing a future and reinterpreting in the light of it, as if it were a certain and archival premise, the present and the past”.

This section deserves great attention.

Revolutionary thinking is an evil that must be avoided and fought, even if internally, it creates an illusion to reach a perfect imaginary end, a forced distortion in reality to reach a false promise of an ideal world, however, There will be destruction in search of a utopian lie that will feed delusions and take lives, since we do not live in an imaginary world or a reality that can be bent according to will.

The imposition of a theory on the real world, forcing facts to adapt to narratives is the opposite of existence and will have its price taken when the truth can no longer be sealed by the imposition of the will of tyrants, whether by force or their lies . This unnatural flow, which reverses the direction of time, requires dawn to occur in the west and the waters of the rapids to go upwards, as this will not happen, inevitably, the fate will be even more bitter than any predictions.

He concludes the thought by alarming the danger of a world government, “The Eurasian Empire promises us a world war and, as a result of it, a global dictatorship. Some of its followers even call it “the Empire of the End”, a clearly apocalyptic evocation. They just forget to note that the last empire before the Last Judgment will be nothing other than the Empire of the Antichrist”. Revolution will never be the solution for humanity, for the simple fact that, by destroying in order to rebuild, it has the mandatory effect of repeating past mistakes, leading society to practices that have already proven to be wrong and the search for desperate solutions that, Naturally, they will result in a new immediate action, that is, a new revolution, causing a cycle of periodic destruction.

The failure of Eurasianism arises precisely from its imposing vision of tradition, not something that flourishes from the union between individuals, but radiating from “enlightened” minds capable of defining the paths that humanity, even if compulsorily, must follow to reach the plane of utopian perfection, I would dare to call them blind guides, who believe they know the path to their “Bifrost” imaginary.

Alexander Dugin, despite being considered by many as a conservative, is a revolutionary who believes there is a preordained solution for the world, centralizing in his motherland, coincidentally, the salvation of humanity, not far from the socialist and fascist dictators who preceded.

No matter how much someone defends a line that embraces conservative guidelines, in the case of the Eurasianist thinker, the preservation of the traditions of what he considers his people, there is no way to reconcile the idea of ​​revolution and conservatism, as evolution depends on a historical basis, therefore, power It would be admitted that the ideal is to build using the foundation achieved by our ancestors and correcting any mistakes they made, the structure must follow the natural path. The revolution, on the other hand, rejects the legacy as a foundation, creating a hypothesis and forcing its existence, even if incompatible with reality and ignoring the flaws or giving them a random appearance, hence Dugin's reason for asserting that Bolshevik socialism and fascism went wrong due to some points that can be corrected, ignoring that, by subjugating the world to the Eurasian empire, it will be transforming its dream into a nightmare for all humanity, except for the few tyrants who will inhabit the imperial palace.

There is no denying that the Eurasian advance is only the harbinger of a war, which will take place in a bellicose way or not, however, it is natural that the three global elites they would converge in search of power, but they would face each other for it when they believed that their hand was close enough, or even, realizing the weakness of the other aspirants to the “throne of the world”. All three aspects will seek to subjugate or annihilate the others to occupy their long-awaited leadership position, there will necessarily be confrontation, even if it is punctual and reduced, but it is a fact that there is no place for a condominium between tyrants, thus explaining the motive of Nazis and Bolshevik socialists, despite species of the same genus, have faced each other.

To assume that revolutionary Eurasianism will bring a greater good or free humanity from other wounds that compete with it for power is to be too naive to realize that the Eurasian elite will not promote harmony between the culture of a Eurasian empire, which will bring light to the world, and the one that defines as the Altlantis Empire, which translates into the West that has the individual at its core. It is clear that Eurasianism preaches the destruction of culture, therefore, of the Western people, there is no sense in a euphoric reaction to the advance of dictator Vladimir Putin.

Having pointed out how harmful the wind that seems to come from the Ural Mountains is, it is essential to analyze the others involved in the theater of events, but not before observing Russia's Eurasian partner and supposed brother, a nation that has in power a group that manages to show its abysmal face without the slightest shyness, the avowedly communist China, which maintains concentration camps, affectionately called re-education camps, as well as constantly threatening the sovereignty of Taiwan, an affront still coarser, given the relationship between the two.

Different relationship between Russia and Ukraine, countries that can be called brothers given their historical origin, I would dare to say that Taiwan it is not a sister country to China, precisely because it is a fragmented part in which the nationalist government removed from power by the infamous cultural revolution took refuge and created a kind of rebellious territory of the communist continental mass. China itself is not a nation of one people, being the result of the annexation of different ethnicities.

Not limited to the much coveted island, the great tiger has plans to expansion which include the South Sea and influence in several countries, it would not be absurd to believe that the sovereignty of all Indochina nations would be at risk, due to Beijing's ambitions. The similarities between the vision of the Russian and Chinese governments seem striking, and they are, so it is important to stop looking at those who run these countries and look at the mind behind Eurasianism, Alexander Dugin. Eurasian expansionist behavior is what led Olavo de Carvalho to consider him as one of the three global elites.

The issue of Ukraine involves another globalist elite, which is called the New World Order, much more defragmented, this aspect is not easily identifiable, as it is not limited to one ethnic group, permeating the so-called free world with greater ease but seeking to be present everywhere.

Subtle as a viper, the New World Order is not an association of people who simply conspire for power, but all those who find themselves in its radiation zone, so that a small group can serve the nerve center without having the conscience of its existence or even sincerely believing that it is a conspiracy theory. The use of such jargon as a repellent of arguments is curious, although most of such conclusions have been confirmed over time, we can mention the São Paulo Forum, a daydream that proved to be real, now we have Eurasianism exposed and, honestly , it is difficult to believe that anyone is still capable of doubting the existence of the New World Order.

For the most skeptics and hypocrites, it is enough to analyze the recent episode of the pandemic, in which words such as “new normal”, “denier” and “genocidal” were orchestratedly used by the main media, as if inspiration struck everyone in the same way and at the same time, a kind of mental rapture, a collective awakening, which is nothing more than the repetition of a central command, even if it is not known by the propagandist of the expressions coined by the controlling elite.

For the most skeptics and hypocrites, it is enough to analyze the recent episode of the pandemic, in which words such as “new normal”, “denier” and “genocidal” were orchestratedly used by the main media, as if inspiration struck everyone in the same way and at the same time, a kind of mental rapture, a collective awakening, which is nothing more than the repetition of a central command, even if it is not known by the propagandist of the expressions coined by the controlling elite.

There is no denying that the mainstream media and public authorities seem to act in complete harmony, following a uniform line that does not seem to be a consequence of chance. However, the so-called progressive elite, the term liberal also becomes inadequate, the correct term being libertine, has used its influence to impose its agendas in a despotic and, at times, exacerbated way.

They turn laws into macabre instruments to distort reality and the coercive power of courts so that individuals abnegate their nature as a symbol of submission to the powerful. It forces nurses to renounce their existence and advertise themselves as enlightened beings with a monopoly on virtues, and can even confiscate or confer merit on those who prostrate themselves and assume irrational allegiance.

This globalist elite is represented in governments by so-called progressive politicians, citing its main figures we have the decrepit Joe Biden, the pitiful Emmanuel Macron, cowering tyrant Justin Trudeau, the demoralized Boris Johnson and the inexpressive Olaf Scholz, replacement for the far from missed Angela Merkel, as well as many others. Noting that Canada should not be included in the list, but the authoritarian, disingenuous and cowardly actions of its ruler made him stand out on the list, since such a disgusting stance reflects the modus operandi of the New World Order, always alternating cowardice and lies and abuse.

Hoisting the most diverse flags, permeating various fissures and providing a veneer of kindness, this globalist elite intends to carry out its revolution through the degradation of culture and the imposition of ideas capable of subjugating the individual to niche collectivism, contemporary soviets, the so-called identity agendas.

It is important to highlight that the mainstream media, BigTech and large corporations metacapitalists are part of the New World Order, maintaining an orchestrated narrative to deceive people through a network of disinformation that is spread unilaterally, a monologue, competing with the control of information, there is a tangle in which identity groups receive incentives from large corporations or state-owned companies, as well as counting on the “sympathy” of the judiciary, which is also part of the system.

The New World Order is a tangle that is intentionally camouflaged, which is why it is so dangerous, and can become unite with other forces, or even subdivide in the search for control.

The great difficulty in perceiving the actions of this global elite is precisely the fact that its revolution is fragmented and silent, at least until it is too late, not revealing itself to the world until it has enough power to supplant its possible opponents. Similar to what the São Paulo Forum did.

A group capable of infiltrating power, taking the reins of the largest international organization and the largest military force, which remains pseudo-anonymous, given that only those who don't want to see can deny the evident promiscuous relationship between politicians, the press and an entire oligarchic network that supports the most diverse organizations, is, without a doubt, the most dangerous creature of all. The tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party, of “president for life” Vladimir Putin and many others, but when it comes to a Canadian ruler, which holds back with the approval of the judiciary, a euphemism for robbery, donations for a peaceful demonstration and adopts many other measures without being labeled a tyrant, we can also mention the case of the government of land of kangaroos, which does not receive the same treatment as the Chinese for keeping people in isolation camps, we can see how strong the New World Order is.

Among the three global elites, this was the one that benefited the most, dealing with the escalation of power, the Covid-19 pandemic, carrying out numerous successful social control tests and the reins of a new faith that they call science, dealing with any scientist who dares to stand up like a criminal conspirator worthy of ostracism, we almost watched doctors and researchers being burned in the public square for questioning such volatile science. I have no doubt that many would applaud such Dantesque spectacles.

They took the opportunity to create an open persecution of those who resisted submitting to the excesses, just as German National Socialism had done with the Jews at the beginning, the New World Order, openly, treated any individual who refused to be a guinea pig as a human being. abominable deserving of any evil.

We arrive at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a union of countries that forms the largest military force on the planet, once created to prevent an advance by the extinct Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, this alliance remains as the armed wing of Western leaders and, in fact, it has acted in an expansionist way when it comes to attracting new members.

A parenthesis to counter the theory that the end of the USSR, and consequently the resolution of the Warsaw Pact, should result in the natural extinction of NATO, in principle this should be the reading, however, admitting that communism fell with the Berlin Wall is be too naive, just note that Russia still maintains great influence, perhaps more than that, over a large part of the former Soviet republics and, like China, at least dubious relations with other socialist countries around the world. It would not make sense to dissolve NATO if there are still signs of a threat from what is “remaining” of socialism, or to put it bluntly, the alliance makes sense given the existence of the Eurasian expansionist project and Islam.

Having a defense alliance still seems to be relevant, on the other hand, it does not mean subverting its existence to become what it should fight, a military force of colossal strength used to spread the influence of the New World Order. NATO has become an army of titanic proportions, the real version of the mythical monster Typhon, which ends up serving the despots who carry out policies of degradation of society As long as they take over human consciousness, there is nothing free here.

In the struggle between the Eurasian Empire and the New World Order there are no heroes, the focus being a clash between two tyrannical forces, the first defending some values ​​but bringing about a revolution that intends to subject the world to a totalitarian center capable of causing destruction for reconstruction, even if it needs to trigger a third great war, and, on the other side, a nefarious association that seeks, through narratives and impositions of identity and other agendas, to constrain humanity into a state of submission irrational, shadows that shine a charming shine for fools who fight against a system and enlist in the ranks of the army of vassals of such a creature, identity activists, for example, seek a golden el for their imaginary human subspecies that will, inevitably, be your slaughterhouse.

Speaking briefly about Ukraine, the current board for the games of the “lords of the world”, the people of that country, after being freed from the greatest plague that has ravaged humanity, at least believed they had freed themselves from socialism, but this plague is more mutant than his pet virus, found himself in a nation corroded by corruption, like any other that global elites get their hands on, having decided to get rid of its old politics, alternating between corrupt Western partners and puppets of “Mother Russia”.

As an act of rejection of their former leaders and a cry for freedom, Ukrainians made a dangerous bet, they elected the comedian with no political experience Volodymyr Zelensky, a promise of a government free from the web of corruption that ruled the country. However, bets are risky actions and the country would pay dearly for the choice, not that the other options would lead to a destiny very different from the current one. In truth, the worst election for the Ukrainian people was the one that took place on the other side of the Atlantic, in which a tyrant with signs of senility have taken hold the most important seat at the geopolitical banquet and, on purpose or not, disastrous withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was the dose of courage anyone needed to challenge Uncle Sam's much-feared army and, consequently, NATO.

Making a comparison, it would be like a lion showing itself weak in the face of other predators, everyone in its pride would be in check, in this case, the President of the United States of America is accompanied, in his constant demonstration of weakness and incapacity, by the other leaders of your gang. The increasingly fragile figures of the political masters of the New World Order, sneaky and cowardly, like those already mentioned, give them a falsely docile aura but incapable of brandishing a sword and leading their people into battle.

These “weaklings” who govern the West, undermine their passivity by considering it a virtue that must be instilled in people's minds, have created a generation of sheep so fragile that they cannot bear the truth and consider as criminals those who dare to oppose them in a debate, a pathetic horde that threatens their enemies but screams when faced with venomless insects. This makes them dependent on the powerful, who in times of pandemic made it clear that they did not dirty their delicate hands, but did not shy away from unleashing their packs, or even their packs, against those who oppose their desires.

Their intentional fragility is an example of the culture they intend to establish, labeling those who are not reduced to a pile of toxic cells or terms that have an air of repulsion. Virility has become abject and honor dispensable, moral corruption has turned Western civilization into a bunch of toothless predators, incapable of wielding a weapon, wanting others to defend them, so that their sensitivity will not be shaken. They call for socialist ideals without being aware that the red paint on that flag is made of innocent blood spilled.

The Ukrainian President, in turn, is the result of this society eaten away by a euphoric vision of a colorful world, whose global constitution is music Imagine de Jonh Lennon.Unfortunately, the world was not made of weak and fiberless men, our civilization was not forged by cowards, as one of the greatest Brazilian intellectuals would say “jelly men”.

Still, Volodymyr Zelensky, in a lapse of courage or madness, no matter what, having received Joe Biden's offer to leave his homeland leaving his peers to be crushed by the Russian army, had the dignity to decline the invitation of a coward and behave like a man. He proved to be more valuable than the masters of the New World Order, who deceived his country by pretending that they would fight for his people while using his land to confront the Eurasian Empire, as well as a respectable opponent to Russian expansionism.

Responding to the head of the largest armed force in the world with the following sentence, “I need ammunition, not a ride”, the President of Ukraine exposed the cowardice of the New World Order and left his status as easy prey so that, even though he knew he was at a total disadvantage, he faced the opportunistic predator and stated that the cowardly lion of the West is just an exploitative being who pretends to defend his gang but abandons its own at the first sign of danger. The weakened being who seemed defenseless found the courage to fight for his country, without the protection of NATO's false prophets, at least for him, a great achievement.

The conflict may have unmasked the intentions of the Eurasian elites and the New World Order, as well as asserting the split between the two, which is not a bad thing, since the Eurasians have declaredly become a force that will oppose the the identity, environmental agendas and all those that were a control instrument for the NOM. On the other hand, Ukraine has the chance to free itself from both influences and, in the long run, become a free and strong nation.

It is important to observe what the third global elite has done, Islamic expansionism has achieved great success and its peaceful penetration into Europe, perhaps realizing the fragility of Western culture.

Currently we can consider the Latin American socialist narco-guerrilla as a fourth global elite, since it has already achieved a certain autonomy in relation to the New World Order, but explaining in detail what this aspect would be will be a task to come. It is important to understand that our country is still unable to deal with such a disease, so that it is not capable of cleaning up its own room and, therefore, trying to take on a relevant role in the fight between two faces of the hand, Eurasians and NWO, who pretend to be representatives of the West and East, when they are tyrants, would be too harmful for us. Brazil was against Russia's actions, but had the wisdom to keep our combat boots out of this mud.

Returning to Eastern Europe, it remains to be hoped that Ukraine will truly see itself free from both sides, not submitting to Eurasian intentions and progressive agendas that corrode everything they touch, as they saw that disarming was a mistake and entrusting their protection to someone else ended up costing him too much.

The war will bring different narratives, but a revolution, whatever it may be, will not bring the solution, as its ideal of the future lies in the history of a people, it is not appropriate to adopt the crazy ideas of a recycled czar or, even worse, of relativists libertines and weak of character. The Ukrainian people will need to build their future based on their experiences, however painful. There were so many who, abandoned by the cowards of the West, had the courage to take up arms to face a much stronger army, that, with the courage of such heroes, that country could create its true independence, without needing an easy solution or the false promise.

Humanity deserves, and needs to fight for, freedom, but it will not come through the hands of madmen, tyrants, fakers or comedians, it will come through the actions of every free man who understands that there is no imaginary solution and that each freedom achieved is a victory that must be celebrated and each totalitarian advance must be resisted wisely, that a people morally strengthened is stronger than an army of degraded people.

Global elites will still cause a lot of suffering, but every time tyrants arise, history will give birth to as many heroes as necessary, we can never lose faith.

“From the fair and hard Pedro is born the mild one, (See nature's confusion!) Remiss, and without any care, Fernando, Whom the whole Kingdom put in a lot of trouble: Who, when the Castilian came devastating The defenseless lands, was close to destroy the Kingdom completely; That a weak King makes strong people weak.” Luís Vaz de Camões – Os Lusíada, Canto III

Article published in Revista Conhecimento & Cidadania Vol. I No. 06 February 2022 edition - ISSN 2764-3867


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