Voices for life
The inconvenient truth

There is no way to ignore a tragedy that occurred in the last century, the Holocaust, but it would be simple to say that the National Socialist German Workers' Party He deceived the people to the point of carrying out the massacre without being noticed. In reality, the German people openly defended the extermination of Jews, either through Nazi propaganda or, even worse, because they believed that jews deserved such a fate.
When we do such an analysis, observing the current context, we can assume that German citizens were servile or cruel enough to applaud people being exterminated because of their ethnicity, or even because of their faith.
Some credit such atrocity to an isolated episode in human history, however, if we observe the Four Plagues Campaign which was implemented in China, when the communist government caused birds to be exterminated due to propaganda that attributed food shortages to them. Let us reflect briefly to try to understand how bird defenders would have been treated at the time. They would probably be called deniers or promoters of disinformation by the party and probably killed or arrested.
Reading an interview given by astrophysicist Mario Lívio, which we cannot adjective, given that our legal system guarantees subjective honor to the most abject of human beings, it is clear that the interviewee, associated with the periodical, completely inverts the relationship between those who silenced Galileo and those who are currently silent. The painful article disregards that Galileo, as well as those that the interviewee calls deniers, was forcibly prevented from defending what he believed, that is, in the context of the time Galileo was the denier, not those who silenced him, since they had the power of silencing a scientist who wants to present his thesis and confront hegemony. In fact, astrophysicist Mário Lívio acts as a defender of a “court of inquisition” that considers anyone who contradicts him crazy and unworthy of expressing his vision.
We can remember the case of Father Giordano Bruno, who before Galileo had openly defended the heliocentrism theory, being burned in a public square on February 17, 1600, in the city of Rome.
But when we talk about science, not about a group that considers itself to be the owner of scientific truth, we should disregard an individual who is capable of defending that scientists are forced to remain silent for the sake of science and still uses Galileo to justify his theory, therefore, it is imperative to quote part of the Geneva Declaration.
“I will maintain the utmost respect for human life; I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat.”
We also invoke the Hippocratic Oath, which is sworn by doctors.
“I will apply the regimes for the good of the patient according to my power and understanding, never to cause harm or harm to anyone. I will give no one for pleasure, neither deadly medicine nor advice that leads to loss. Likewise, I will not give any woman an abortive substance.”
When you manage to convince people that the most appropriate thing is to silence those who present arguments contrary to what you want to implement, we are not facing a scientific construction, but just an association of tyrants willing to impose, even if irrationally, their will. under people, depriving them of information so that they cannot leave a kind of mental corral, imprisoning anyone who is considered inferior and exterminating anyone who tries to rise up against the wishes of such a group.
A real hunt for witches is created, who must be silenced, imprisoned or even exterminated because they are dissonant voices.
When thinking about Giordano Bruno, a reflection would be in order. Doctors who currently denounce what they consider a health risk could suffer the same fate as the priest, so that in the future their theories would be confirmed, leaving yet another dark chapter in the history of humanity.
If the comparison with Nazism or any other totalitarian regime capable of exterminating anyone who dares to speak contrary to its views, even if abysmal, seems appalling, I quote an excerpt from the brilliant decision of the Judge of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro Paulo Rangel.
“Another person who knew well how to instill fear of enemies in the people was HITLER, who, through Nazi propaganda, instilled in the population a fear of Jews and gypsies. It was necessary to annihilate them to defend themselves.”
The magistrate continues.
“Hunger, war, the vision of plague as punishment, bringing as a counterpart the election of those guilty (Jews, lepers, foreigners, criminals), the hunt for sorcerers and witches (the hunt for the Salem Witches in the 1690s, today murderous children), all always in the name of a collective fear of the enemies chosen by the system of the time. Everything is always very well engineered, politically. Who is today's new enemy in the 21st Century? THE UNVACCINATED. They want to force people to get vaccinated and in the name of this kindness, they restrict public freedoms, arrest people on the streets, in squares, close beaches, establish lockdown. I never imagined I would see the abuse I saw.”
It was left to the Mayor of the capital of Rio de Janeiro to try to disqualify the decision, using irony as a subterfuge to confuse people.
“Sometimes I wonder how some people can accept that smoking is prohibited in the office, shopping mall, subway… and also accept that it is mandatory to wear seat belts! Do these people not feel restricted in their individual freedoms? Just to reflect.”
We started to reflect on the following: people know that smoking in closed places causes physical discomfort to third parties, therefore, they consider such prohibitions normal, therefore, when smoking in such places, the individual knows that it bothers and harms third parties. This does not happen with the unvaccinated, since the vaccinated must be protected by vaccines.
With regard to the use of seat belts, one could ask what harmful consequences the use of the belt can bring to the user, as well as why such a device, if it actually protects lives, is not required in collectives? Remembering that buses do not have airbags in the passenger seats.
It would also be up to the Rio Chief Executive to explain how mass transport contributed to the, so important, social isolation. Are we facing a selective disease or a mutant science? Maybe in the samba circle the virus won't spread.
The judge's decision was overturned by the Federal Supreme Court, which later, in a monocratic decision already revoked by the same speaker of the decision, establishes the exile or banishment in Brazil, something that is prohibited even for criminals in our Constitution (art. 5º, XLVII, d).
We can imagine that perhaps a criminal in Nazi Germany would receive more humane treatment than a Jew, which seems to be the same concept applied to the unvaccinated. It seems that the biggest crime in a country taken by madness is to manifest oneself in a way that goes against the owners of power, or even just trying to live outside the reach of their baton.
Once again the reader may believe that this is an exaggeration or a figure of speech, but just look at the Bill No. 5555 of 2020, in which a Senator of the Republic proposes a sentence of up to 8 years for not submitting to vaccination, forcibly subjecting their children to the experiment, and to be even more senseless, the rule, if approved, will allow punishment with the same penalty for “ who, in any case, discourages vaccination.”
Analyzing the proposal, we can conclude two alarming things, namely the legitimization of human hunting.
The first point that causes great astonishment is the maximum penalty, which can be seen in crimes such as reduction to the analogous condition of slavery, human trafficking, constitution of private militia and attack on sovereignty. So that the unvaccinated would be treated as dangerous criminals.
The second extremely worrying factor is when the project criminalizes those who discourage vaccination, because, at this point, the legislator tries to criminalize someone for their opinion, even if it is true. Just read to finish.
“§ 1 - Anyone who creates, disseminates or propagates, by any means, false news about vaccines in the national immunization program or their effectiveness, or anyone who, in any way, discourages vaccination” incurs the same penalty.
Note that he separates the part in which he deals with “fake news”, an extremely controversial term, from that which discourages vaccination, since, in the case at the end of the paragraph, someone is punished who disseminates true information, that is, by remaining silent under penalty of imprisonment for anyone who tells the inconvenient truth.
The Senator, who presides over the infamous CPMI of fake news, seems to have a natural inclination to persecute dissonant voices, even though they are telling the truth, a real danger to freedom.
This bill, once approved, will allow the open persecution of everyone who does not submit to vaccination, allowing the marking of the people with the seal of submission, called a health passport. Health professionals who see vaccines as a risk to their patients must remain silent, under penalty of imprisonment.
Groups like the Doctors for Life, which has been exposed to unfounded attacks by the mainstream media and some crazy authorities, would be considered a type of criminal organization, for the simple fact that they alert people to a risk that they perceive as alarming.
The so-called denialists, people who the powerful want to silence because they are unable to dismiss their arguments, will be treated as marginalized, although the marginalized are increasingly benefiting. It may be that the relaxation of conditions for criminals is so that the chains are aimed at the unvaccinated and denialists, the new Jews.
The Province of Formosa in Argentina has been an example of what an authoritarian State can do to those who do not bow to totalitarian measures, but there is a curious case in Australia, in which a newspaper claims there are no concentration camps, but it cannot remove the excessive totalitarianism of the actions of agents in that country.
“The woman states that the rules don’t make sense and the employee responds that they don’t need to make sense, since all places need to have rules and those are the ones there.”
Honestly, I confess that I imagined the Australian employee wearing a uniform from Schutzstaffel, considering the argument he presented. But the brand of denialist will fall on the interlocutor of the henchman of the totalitarian elite.
According to the newspaper, Australia does not distinguish between vaccinated or unvaccinated, keeping everyone in isolation for around fourteen days, but during this period the treatment is very close to that of a concentration camp.
The practice of locking people up based on their opinion or what they believe has been reestablishing itself all over the world, just look at the treatment given by the Chinese Communist Party to those in re-education camps de Xinjiang. Such abuses have been normalized and the pandemic has undoubtedly contributed to accelerating the process of curtailing freedoms.
Trying to silence doctors who warn of possible evil and even coercing people into being guinea pigs in an experiment, without presenting arguments that could convince them, but by the force of a State taken over by tyrants, should be an attitude considered strange or abominable, but the panic that was created by the pandemic, not by the number of deaths invoked incessantly in the media, but by the restrictions on freedoms imposed, measures that terrified citizens to the point of monitoring other citizens, even denouncing parties in family. Conditioning people to hand others over to tyrants becomes even easier when fear is instilled in their minds, leading them to collaborate with the system, no matter how bad it is something typical of totalitarian countries.
A device also widely used was the purposeful creation of the so-called “new normal”, causing freedoms, including the feeling of freedom, to be suppressed in an accelerated way, sometimes gradually, plunging people into an emotional prison from which they wanted to escape. freedom at any price, reducing critical sense and forcing us to accept rules for being rules, even when they didn't make sense. Let's say that the Australian agent only translated into a few words what several governments put into practice.
Once imprisoned, the citizen can give up something that is dear to him to be free, just look at how many prisoners confessed crimes they didn't commit. For this reason, the mental prison in which everyone found themselves weakened the morale of many who simply bowed to the tyrants because they were eager to regain their lost freedom. Therein lies the secret, such freedom should not be returned, as the central objective was to capture it and not health.
Making a parenthesis, I remember an old cartoon that in Brazil was called Caverna do Dragão, based on the RPG Dungeons & Dragons (original name of the cartoon in English), the series portrays a group of young people who get involved in countless adventures trying to return home, not debating the message of the drawing, but the fact that they never achieve the much-desired return, since there is always an obstacle that is only noticed at the moment they are about to reach their goal. The name of the cartoon series is commonly associated with a place that is difficult to leave, that is, there will always be obstacles that make it difficult to leave.
The citizen, assimilating the “new normal” that was imposed as just a term but resulted in several restrictions, hoped to free himself from this artificially created reality by submitting to the whims of the same tyrants who stole his freedom. Continuing on the “way back home”, accepted the masks without questioning what protection was given, remembering that many were done at home without any filters, being just a symbol of submission. He avoided human contact, stopping seeing his relatives and getting together, but used mass transport. They agreed to give up religious services and had their activities suspended, some lost jobs and others went bankrupt, in return, they watched the press describe themselves as essential, as if each person's livelihood was not essential.
A mayor who was welding store doors was caught in a crowded football stadium in the capital of the neighboring state, the same destination where the Governor of his state was enjoying a pool and sun, but imposing restrictions on citizens.
On the other hand, questioning vaccines rewards anyone with the title of crazy, even though a famous actor died after being infected by the virus after the second dose of the vaccine, as well as a well-known singer was diagnosed with the disease after the third dose.
Vaccines were the hope, not scientific, but social, as they would free anyone who agreed to collaborate with the experiment, but, again, there were obstacles, so that those vaccinated could not leave the masks, continued to suffer restrictions and were subjected to the so-called dose of reinforcement, a third dose not foreseen at the beginning of the experiment, having accepted the constant change in the position of “science”, it is enough to see that at first the Government of the state of São Paulo refuses a third dose and, a few months later, it is already applying this booster dose. In Chile there is already talk of a fourth dose, however, in the USA the understanding is that a fourth dose should not yet be used, without knowing the results of the third in terms of immunization, in Israel, a country whose government seems to treat vaccination as a international dispute, worrying about being ahead of the others, the fourth dose becomes a reality, even though there is no data to justify it. “Science” among the powerful can be quite volatile, but anyone who dares to question it is considered a denialist and could soon be a dangerous criminal.
The main question that surrounds the human mind is how people have bowed to so much tyranny, given the number of explicit contradictions that are deliberately ignored by most people, even the mixed of vaccines is being assimilated, even though some vaccines have different technologies, people have understood that one vaccine can be reinforced with another, thanks to studies carried out by people directly involved in the manufacture of vaccines, bringing information that it would be even more effective to mix vaccines.
Recently, the Chamber of Deputies imposed the collection of health passport to employees, visitors and journalists, but did not require parliamentarians to be vaccinated, making it clear that this is a power relationship and not a health relationship.
On the other side, the one that the mainstream media does not want to see and the entire elite needs to remain silent, are doctors and relatives of victims of the side effects or natural effects of vaccines, who seek to alert people so that they are aware of the adverse results of an experimental technology. According to some warnings, messenger mRNA vaccines would, in fact, gene therapy.
The biggest question to be asked is precisely why they try to silence any statement that is dissonant, that is, if something is not said in accordance with the wishes of the “owners of science”, the voice that was raised must be silenced at all costs. The amazing thing is seeing people accept this naturally.
I bring here an episode for readers to reflect on, which we can consider as yet another, at the very least, dubious interpretation on the part of those who wish to cover up any undesirable speech, even from the Director General of the World Health Organization.
In the video, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reportedly said the following, “Instead of what we are seeing, some countries are using them as booster doses to kill children”, Twitter removed the video with subtitles claiming it violates the platform's rules. However, even more daring was a Yahoo Sports website that made a contortionist move to give its interpretation of the WHO Director's speech, tragicomic, but its crude version will be established as the undisputed truth in a few days.
Trying to justify that an erroneous interpretation was given to the WHO Director's statement, the "checkers” they make the amazing construction.
“The WHO told AFP on December 23, 2021 that Adhanom hesitated on the first syllable of the English word “children”, “crianças” in Portuguese. According to the WHO, at the press conference on December 20th, “when [Adhanom] pronounced the word ‘children’, he hesitated on the first syllable, ‘chil’, and then it sounded like ‘cil / kil’”.
“Then he uttered the same syllable immediately afterwards, and it belonged to ‘cil-children’. Any other interpretation other than this is 100% incorrect,” the organization added.”
Note that they mention a screenshot from December 23, 2021, however, the original speech took place on December 20, the organization could have corrected what was said. At the time of his speech, the WHO Director was not reading a note, as at the beginning of the video.
The supposed hesitation in the pronouncement is not seen in the video, as well as the pronunciation of the first syllable of children is very far from the word kill, which is surprising when the person who would have hesitated got his master's degree at the University of London and a Ph.D. at the University of Nottingham, which means he has good English pronunciation, which is noticeable in the rest of the video.
To expose the adverse effects of vaccines, or gene therapies, and what is behind their early approval, there is nothing better than bringing in a professional in the field who is willing to face giants to defend life and warn about the risks people are facing. running.
There is a clear prohibition, including on health professionals, regarding warnings against harmful effects of vaccines, whether desired or not. While supporters of the experiment are allowed to speak, censorship is imposed on those who oppose it. Therefore, it is important to know all the arguments, including those that are being silenced, so that the decision is the best possible.
The Ômicron variant, which has low lethality index, became the justification for applying new restrictions, or even a fourth dose, which cannot be contested, even if Portugal have high vaccination coverage and increase the number of infected people. This strain became the obstacle to returning to normal, extending authoritarian practices, preventing those who bowed to tyrants from being able to leave the “dragon's cave”. They have not yet understood that there will be as many doses as they deem necessary to break the human spirit, that restrictions will be placed until the will is dominated, and that narratives have emerged to instill fear and despair in people, enslaving them.
New restrictions, or the same ones with new accessories, will be imposed in several countries, the requirement for health passports and isolation measures will be put into practice, even though they have not prevented the expansion of previous strains and causing various losses. It seems that France's problem is not the Ômicron strain, but its President, Macron.
On another spectrum, the “unquestionable owners of science” try to criminalize the Brazilian government for "threaten” disclose the names of those responsible for approving vaccines, it appears that the Advertising Principle, although carved into the Constitution, it became anti-scientific and denialist, having the same fate as parliamentary material immunity, the judiciary's trash can. In fact, not disclosing the names of the technicians would be omitting highly relevant information, for two reasons, since the person responsible for endorsing a product endorses its quality, therefore, the better the qualification of the professional in the eyes of the recipient of the product, more reliable would be the same. On the other hand, it allows you to assess whether the person responsible for approval has interests other than the common good that could bias their decision. There is no reason to hide in the shadows.
For anyone who might accuse the Revista Conhecimento & Cidadania of only bringing one side's version, the answer is simple, the other side's versions, even if of a purely emotional nature, are exposed throughout the mainstream media.
A worrying case is that of Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA technology who was treated as a liar by checking agencies, entities that deserve to be unmasked, as not being the inventor, in addition to disseminating false news on the subject. Such agencies fail to mention that he has been dealing with the issue since 1988, when gene therapies were not widespread. The scientist was persecuted and became the target of attacks for alerting risks of early therapy.
“The researcher has more than thirty years of experience in the field of vaccines. He discovered RNA transfection and explained that while at the Salk Institute in San Diego in 1988, he invented mRNA vaccines. His research continued the following year at a pharmaceutical company called Vical, and between 1988 and 1989 Malone wrote patent disclosures for mRNA vaccines.
After giving multiple warnings about the dangers posed by the RNA technology used in COVID-19 vaccines, Malone was removed from Wikipedia and temporarily removed from LinkedIn in July 2021.”
Before it becomes criminalized to tell the truth, I think it has already happened, let me read Dr. Maria Emília Gadelha Serra's lecture, remembering that the professional is constantly attacked by the media and, in other times, she could be arrested or burned at the stake. We hope that such days will not return.
Reflecting and seeking diverse information is extremely necessary these days, which is why they try to control who can speak and what is the truth.
Let us fight and pray for better days.
Text published in Revista Conhecimento & Cidadania Vol. I N.º 02 Vol. I No. 02 – December 2021 Edition - ISSN 2764-3867