What to expect from next year?

It is very common for people at the end of the year to ask each other: What to expect from next year? The question reveals exactly the behavior they will have in the next cycle of opportunities, exactly, opportunities!
Why yes, each cycle is actually the arrival of a new opportunity, and knowing this makes all the difference in relation to the mentality we will have in what many call “just another year”.
A main idea in this text is to awaken an awareness of self-management, which will certainly make the new period one of attitude and not of waiting. An example of this was the emergence of this magazine in which I am honored to write.
In the face of passive behavior in which many simply complained about the lack of a space where conservative content could be found.
Our editor-in-chief and his team then decided to open this space, which, by the way, has been a small but important spark to ignite the hearts of those who share conservative values with us.
We understand that when we find a deficiency, lack or weakness, whether in people or institutions, it is time to take action towards resolving the problem.
So, the ideal is not that we expect something from next year, but that we have the necessary protagonism, and that if not in our society, at least in our own lives.
In the mission of being bearers of values that give life to a more just and fraternal society, let us be like the sun, which even on cloudy days, rain or even a storm, it is there, above the circumstances waiting for an opportunity to manifest itself. .
He will certainly not push the envelope for the storm to disperse, but he will calmly wait for the moment to offer all his content that, although people are focused on the storm, they have in him everything that is fundamental for life to continue on its course. .
Another main idea in the text is that, if we expect something, we will have to receive what comes; We have no control over this, so we will be like victims of a greater force that will give us whatever comes... While we could make all this power act in our favor.
For example: Opportunity is a very powerful force, but if it is not properly observed it can ruin us (if, for example, we miss an opportunity to cure a disease).
In this sense, a new year is a year full of opportunities.
In conclusion, I want to present the third and final idea: Come what may, powerfully and naturally, if we know how to position ourselves, we will reap the fruits that, if not harvested, could even become the reason for an accident, and all because instead of having a positive attitude towards what nature has given us, we wait for the fruit to come to our hands, like when it falls to the ground.
Here is a bit of mythology in this text: The great traditions of the past always celebrated the new year because they understood the chance of great opportunities that would come and understood that as in the action of an immutable law, nature during spring would give them flowers , coming after the flowers, the fruits that would be in the summer, that is, they knew that they would harvest in the summer, in the next year, in the next cycle, everything they planted during the spring; Therefore, let us know that consciously or not, we will reap the fruits of the flowers that nature gave us in the summer in the spring.
Therefore, with this lesson, the message is that for next year we must be aware of having more positive, more intelligent attitudes, better placed in the face of the great opportunities that will come to us, knowing that today we are reaping what we once sowed. Therefore, if we want a better future, let us start building that future now.
That's why in the title of this text I say that it's better not to expect anything from next year, but rather that we offer next year our attitudes, our sacrifices, our efforts so that this year becomes, in the face of our actions, in the face of our work, Before our focus, before our intelligence, a better year, because if we don't do it, someone else will and we will reap the fruits that others have planted without us even knowing the character and intentions of those others.
I invite everyone, then, to think about what actions we will take next year so that we do not receive what comes, but rather the result, the fruit! As a reaction to our actions so that we have a year with something to actually celebrate.
Let us remember that whatever happened during this year 2024, was the result of actions many employed and others despised, but they were the fruits of actions!!
If we are not satisfied, let us replace the actions that do not benefit us, with actions that benefit not only ourselves but also the entire society.
A happy new cycle of opportunities for all of us!
This in all aspects of our lives, in the fields, political, social, family, professional, in short, let us employ our best actions, making them a clear and concrete message to our creator, and believe me: He will hear us!
I leave you with a text from the Holy Bible for reflection.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7: 14)
May God bless our journey!!!
Article published in Revista Conhecimento & Cidadania Vol. IV No. 49 – December 2024 Edition - ISSN 2764-3867