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The paradox of minorities

The saddest of prisons

The paradox of minorities

The slave chained and surrounded by bars is much freer than the one who is imprisoned by his own conscience. Individuals with imprisoned minds find themselves reduced to a subspecies, a being more worthy of pity than contempt.

The logic behind slavery is servitude, therefore, no one will have a vassal for whom they do not envision a mission, the one who serves must be useful, even if they do not know the end of their miserable existence. Those enlisted by the legions of so-called minorities, march blindly and obediently towards the abyss, guided by despots or other blind people.

The minority trap is a substitute for the one coined by Karl Marx that culminated the disaster called socialism, since those defined as proletarians at the time, workers in general, for the most part, stopped believing in the lying seduction of the revolutionaries, they became necessary to captivate other masses to sustain the sick power plans.

The simple formula of pointing out one group as responsible for the misfortune of another was what brought revolutionary forces to power at the beginning of the 20th century, Bolshevik socialism in the, not at all nostalgic, Soviet Union, German national socialism, as well as fascism. Italian, everyone who spread misfortune around the world, targeted a group that should be sacrificed so that their revolution could lead humanity to salvation, which in fact only existed in the speeches of their leaders. The idea that the State, always totalitarian, would be the only means capable of elevating society to better levels, in some cases, even promising a utopian existence without the State itself, was the fuel for abject beings to take control of nations. and covered the earth with human blood.

With the colossal failure of such regimes and the considerable improvement in the living conditions of workers in general, it became imperative for revolutionaries to enlist other masses for their uprising in search of power. Minorities, some of them artificially created, quickly began to appear as political capital desired by despots, with the emergence of segments capable of co-opting unwary, ignorant or greedy victims.

They did not abandon the proletariat, maintaining their union structure to influence and try to control such individuals, however, it was essential to gather even more troops to bleed in the name of their messianic dementia, since the essence of such sociopathy is to believe oneself as the one who has the mission of guiding others, ignoring that the only path they are capable of taking is that of destruction. It is worth noting that the leaders of the so-called minorities are beings who lead groups in the service of revolutionary desires, like their unionist counterparts.

The insatiable hunger for power is capable of blinding its creators in such a way that they truly believe that their ideology justifies any sacrifices, including those of the most innocent beings, since they have lost their ability to see reality, and, at times, become they believe they are powerful enough to shape it as they please.

Capturing legions of vassals is a complex task, which is why so-called social engineering was created, allowing the most diverse groups to be enticed, albeit unconsciously, to serve in the ranks of revolutionary forces. The selection will admit as many as are necessary for the spurious purposes of the revolution, whether they are criminals, rejected, insecure or even deluded by a narrative of victimization, anyone who can be useful to the desires of abject leaders will be welcomed, regardless of whether the future holds for them the discard, they are called useful idiots.

In the desire to recruit personnel, branches are created so that different groups can be reached, fomenting hatred between people, to, through segregation, subdivide the revolutionary army into regiments, battalions, companies and platoons, the well-known teaching divide and conquer (“Divide et impera” or “Divide et Vinces”, coined by Emperor Julius Caesar)”. Everyone going their own way, apparently uncoordinated, towards the abyss.

Class or minority leaders are responsible for leading their flocks according to the wishes of their superiors, coordinating the mass in favor of those who once herded them. They believe they can manage their lives, but they serve as soviets to legitimize an artificial representation with no relevance beyond joining the ranks of the enslaved horde. The subservience that revolutionary groups have with the highest caste is increasingly clear, especially when observing the largest corporations allied with the so-called minority agendas.

Since the expression useful idiot was mentioned, a being that blindly serves the worst intentions, therefore, they are even more harmful than if they were useless, it is impossible not to mention the group that best symbolizes subservient idiocy, the self-styled Antifas (Antifascists). The tragedy lies in the fact that they do not even recognize the force behind their actions, being a group guided by the parameters, albeit controversial, of the Tolerance Paradox theory.

Firstly, it is necessary to identify what fascism would be, to understand what type of force Antifa would be opposing, given that the conceptualization of fascism places it as a totalitarian, single-party regime, capable of repressing individual and economic freedoms for collectivist satisfaction, with revolution at its core.

“Commonly, fascism is considered part of the extreme right, mainly due to its notable opposition to socialism. Fascist experiments enjoyed broad support from bankers and industrialists, both in Italy and Germany.

Fascism, however, was also opposed to liberalism, especially in defending the strong State and mass interests to the detriment of individual interests.

According to Norberto Bobbio, the divergences between Italian fascism and German fascism appear when it is noted that the first had a revolutionary and radical left-wing character, while the second was essentially reactionary and radical right-wing”.

There is a great discussion about the political spectrum of fascism, even in the text above Italian fascism is considered revolutionary and German national socialism is considered radical right-wing. Explaining that National Socialism belongs to the left spectrum is quite simple, this topic has already been explored and overcome, making it clear that I consider Nazism to be nothing more than a branch of socialism.

Fascism, in turn, being a totalitarian and revolutionary State, a priori, also finds rest on the spectrum of the left, which cannot be dismissed under the childish allegation of banker and industrialist support for the regime, simply by observing the case of the left current, who lives a more than stable relationship like the elite. It is no coincidence that the richest man in Brazil participated and sponsored an event held recently outside the country to promote ideas from the left, self-styled progressive, including the presence of magistrates who threw their impartiality into the mud when one of them called the elected Head of State directly by the enemy people, democracy proclaimed itself and divided the arena by a politician elected by a party that is part of the Socialist International, which has currently migrated to the Brazilian Socialist Party.

Antifa will try to argue that it fights against the so-called neo-fascism, which is nothing more than a narrative created to place conservatives as the natural heirs of fascism, even though conservative thought is manifestly contrary to the revolution, especially with regard to the totalitarian State, the monopartisan and government intervention in religion, individual freedom and culture. In practice, the so-called Antifa is serving the desires closest to fascism when it tries to silence opposing voices, in the same way that those who claim to fight against a dominant elite, prostrate themselves in service to those who represent the will of the elites, as in the case of the progressives and their metacapitalist sponsors.

It seems unbelievable that an individual, without being affected by some serious mental illness, can voluntarily join a movement that fights precisely what it is, but such a dilemma is easily overcome when we observe that there is a resignification of what we have, the ill-fated social engineering, to do makes the fool assume that he is fighting real fascists by attacking elderly women with Brazilian flags while subjecting themselves to territorial control by organized crime or considering it natural for a politician to claim that a mob “bothering” relatives of politicians is a democratic action.

Tragic to see people joining the Antifa movement, with bizarre sayings like “anti-fascist teachers” or “anti-fascist police”, without knowing what they are opposing, being true hostages of their false leaders, who, obviously, had an idea of ​​how to benefit from it. , and they did so, even though they knew they were taking advantage of their peers.

These puppets, controlled by the leaders of self-styled anti-fascist movements, join the movement because they are led by collective thought, since they belong to a group and fear being rejected in the event of an insurrection, becoming slaves of their own will, since the Fear of ostracism in a community that they believe has welcomed them is enough to swear allegiance. A North Korean does not know what awaits him beyond the borders and therefore may end up accepting to submit to that country's nefarious regime.

As for the leaders, they are nothing to be pitied, they are parasitic beings who pose as merchants of the group's consciousness who are capable of maneuvering, taking political advantage of their flocks. The despotism of such elements makes them just like or worse than the elite they serve, a kind of captains of the bush, in the worst sense of the word, they organize their tribes to conquer a place in the shadow of the white towers, participating in the banquet in exchange for the task of dealing with the mindless mass.

Other movements such as the so-called anti-racist, feminist and gay activism, which is called LGBT to bring together more groups, use different rhetoric to capture their members, are the so-called identity agendas, in which they observe a niche of people with common characteristics, nurture in individuals a weakening and encourages their false union to fight an executioner, even if imaginary.

No one denies that racism exists, but there are points that must be made about such an abject practice. The first point is that not restricting yourself to a certain race, of course the term race is inappropriate, but it makes the issue easier to understand.

Any race can be the target of such practice, therefore, protection must extend in all directions, not allowing an individual to cause harm to others solely through hatred towards what they consider to be a different race, in other words, due to would treat attacks against different races with equal rejection, therefore, it is equally abject to pass over white people for job vacancies based on their skin color, as a retail chain in Brazil did.

Many claim that affirmative actions seek to repair a historical debt, which is a lie, since this debt occurred at one time and there is no sense attributing it to race, given that a large part of the process of slavery was promoted by black people, the sick fallacy of historical debt, if taken seriously, should be faced by all civilizational advancement. That the ancient civilizations that used slave labor should compensate the descendants of those they exploited, still without any proof of relationship.

The first fallacy of historical debt is to ignore that slavery occurred regardless of skin color, including that imposed in Brazil, since Europeans bought individuals from black people who, for different reasons, were already deprived of their freedom. The racial issue is supervening on slavery, for this reason Zumbi dos Palmares made slaves, which does not make him a racist, however, in theory, he would place his descendants on the list of debtors, not creditors.

This narrative does not identify the supposed relationship between debtor and creditor, attributing only a generic story to skin color, ignoring that not all black people who landed in Brazilian lands arrived on slave ships and not all Portuguese were plantation owners, many blacks and whites arrived in Brazil after the Golden Law, so their descendants did not participate in the historical moment that generated the supposed debt.

Another misinformation is the so-called structural racism, which attributes to society and depersonalized organisms a kind of hatred towards a certain group of people to justify so-called affirmative policies, disregarding the individual action that actually exists and is reprehensible, and feeding a purposeful imbalance, which although it promises bringing balance, aims only to privilege individuals so that they attract more and more followers in search of their own benefit. There is nothing fair about identity quota policies, there is just a shameless purchase of support from those who benefit from them.

Organizations that literally rely on racism do not fight to end it, as these are two sources of existence, which also applies to government bodies.

Black Lives Matters, for example, takes advantage of a commotion to support itself, even in a luxurious way, as it did in the famous case of George Floyd, in which a black man was killed by a white police officer in the USA, however, the The idea that the crime was motivated by racism was planted in unsuspecting minds, as many do not know that both parties involved knew each other, so that the police officer's personal motivation is believed and not a case of racism. But for black activism it was necessary that the death was motivated by a hate crime, thus, others would be enlisted to act in their interests, given that they were taken by a bestial frenzy that prevented them from reasoning, in the same way as is done with the self-styled anti-fascists, the horde is fed with irrational hatred and a narrative is created for them to attack.

It is not uncommon to make false statements that security forces in Brazil deliberately choose to kill black people, decontextualizing cases of death due to resistance against security forces. The very name of such crimes is purposely distorted to give the false impression that police action is illegitimate, but that is for another time.

Feminist leaders follow the same modus operandi, presenting fallacies as unquestionable truths, among which the most common are that women receive lower pay for performing the same role, which is illegal in Brazil, or that only women are victims of domestic violence. Creating a distorted form of measurement to cover up their lies, the feminicide type was created for this, they fail to report that the number of men murdered due to domestic violence is greater than that of women, because, without such a specialized network, male deaths are placed in the “common grave”.

It is easy to see that they use narratives to distort the reading when, for example, they point out percentages of men and women killed in their homes, disregarding absolute numbers. Using the study presented by the periodical, it seems disproportionate that 39.2% of women have been victims of homicide in their homes, but in the case of men, this percentage is 15.9%, however, what is not clearly stated is what percentage does this mean of the total, since 91.8% of homicides in general have men as victims and 8% women. A simple calculation leads to the conclusion that 15.5% of all murders are of men in their homes, while deaths of women in the same conditions reach 3.1%.

They ignore a percentage of 15.5% of all homicides to overestimate 3.1%, just to justify the implementation of affirmative policies for a group that they intend to co-opt, therefore, they create an entire specialized system, such as police stations and courts to assess such cases. crimes, ensuring that there is a specific and dissociated collection of data, extracting 3.1% of the total and ignoring the 15.%%, in addition to giving such bodies the essential task of tackling such crimes, therefore, it exists precisely because greater efforts are needed to combat domestic violence.

An unhealthy relationship is born between the existence of an institution and the evil that justifies its creation, thus, governmental organizations or not, which parasitize a certain group, make target individuals believe that it is necessary to maintain such beings in order to implement policies aimed at so-called identity minorities, resulting in a cycle of interdependence between the existence of the parasite and the narrative that feeds victimization.

Both non-governmental organizations and public bodies can exploit such minorities, either as a way of existing, such as Black Lives Matters and DEAM, to direct certain policies in their own interest, such as quota cases, as well as to occupy thematic niches, as experts. empty.

LGBT activism movements follow the same principles, as well as environmental, vegan and many others that can be used to captivate minds in favor of social control, they are nothing more than unions of identity minorities.

Unions act in the same way, pretending to be class representatives, they recruit workers from a certain sector to, using their appeal, obtain political strength and make themselves necessary for their category, when in fact they parasitize it.

Class leaders are equally sneaky, defending their own interests and making the groups that follow them believe they are represented, however, what happens is only the approximation of their directors with power and the distribution of crumbs to the great mass that believes he is part of a larger movement. In fact, this part ends up being true, many of the class leaders serve something bigger than what can be seen and only build a bridge, with a very expensive toll, between lords and vassals.

We are faced with a paradox when there is a blatant clash between identity agendas, because, if it is not a blatant conflict, it will be solemnly ignored. So, only when one of the minorities is clearly overlooked by another will there be a clash between them.

When feminists preach for more spaces for women to the detriment of men, the fact that such a position should make them defenders of enlistment, even if it is mandatory for women, but because it is something that is not convenient for them, in a covert way, they do not seek this “ right” for women. Some claim, lyingly, that they are against mandatory military conscription for everyone, including men, but they do not speak out against and openly defend totalitarian regimes.

However, the silence of feminists when they watch men, self-declared women, take their place in sports and even sharing cells with inmates, seems shocking to us, but it is necessary to observe which masters the leaders serve, to understand that feminists are not willing to face their masters, therefore, they will remain silent in the face of any abuses that are in line with the ideas of their superiors.

This is not a prerogative of feminist leaders, since black activism remained silent when a snack bar posted a poster prohibiting black people from entering the establishment in China, there was no considerable revolt against the fast food chain or the dictatorship other than complaints on social networks. LGBT activism, in turn, also behaves timidly when we refer to the Chinese dictatorship or the Islamic caliphate.

The problem with identity minorities is that they use the so-called feeling of belonging to co-opt their members, but they need to divide themselves to meet the desires of members dispersed within the group, thus creating internal divisions that can, and will, be exploited by those capable of fit into the subdivision. It appears that as many subfactions will emerge as it is necessary to allocate new leaders, either so that they can occupy a space that can be explored or because they seek independence from their immediate superior, causing the split to give rise to their own minority.

Because they are created based on narratives, identity minorities end up clashing with each other or presenting edges that deserve to be trimmed for the “proper functioning” of the web of power, and, as lies are not conducive to creating a plot, they end up because they do not fit together, making it naturally impossible to connect them without causing a shock. What is usually resolved by leaders simply diverting attention, as in cases where feminist and gay rights activist groups ignore the treatment of their supposed representatives in the Eastern world while blaming the West for using natural adjectives or personal pronouns of appropriately.

The solution to the paradox of minorities is to free oneself from the identity fence and realize that humanity is not fragmented into identity groups guided by masters. Recognizing that the fiefdom is a prison and that ostracism does not mean a loss but rather the release of a corral in which the foreman prepares his slaves to serve as meat at the banquet of the true enemies.

In truth, the hordes of followers will be dismissed like old pine cones once their energy has been drained, just as were all those who helped tyrants in their climb to power. When the sand castles collapse, despots will build new ones without caring about the buried ones.

The useful idiot is an even more tragic being than the useless idiot, since serving evil is a worse fate than serving no purpose at all.

“The success of tyrants lies in the happiness of slaves in their own slavery.” Thucyds, Greek Historian, 420 BC

Article published in Revista Conhecimento & Cidadania Vol. I No. 09 – April 2022 Edition - ISSN 2764-3867


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